Property Detail

Land Auction: 592 Acres M/L - Lincoln & Buffalo Twps.

Status: Sold
Acres: 592 +/-
Type: Farms
City, State: Buffalo Center, Iowa
County: Winnebago
ZIP Code: 50424
Lat/Long: 43.3857909, -93.9466193
Presented By: Central States Agency, LLC


Central States Agency is proud to offer 592 acres m/l of prime Winnebago and Kossuth County farmland in five individual tracts by public and online auction. Tracts range in size, allowing you as the buyer to purchase the optimum amount of land to suit your operation or investment needs. Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be sold Buyer's Choice: the successful bidder will have the choice of one or any combination of tracts 1, 2, 3 and/or 4. The final tract to be sold will be Tract 5 and will be offered individually.

To register and bid online this auction: BID ONLINE

Tracts to be Sold:

Tract 1:  69.79 Gross Surveyed Acres; 68.13 Net Surveyed Acres; Section 13, Lincoln Township, Kossuth County, Iowa

Tract 2:  126.84 Gross Surveyed Acres; 123.34 Net Surveyed Acres; Section 18, Buffalo Township, Winnebago County, Iowa

Tract 3:  103.36 Gross Surveyed; 99.31 Net Surveyed Acres; Section 18, Buffalo Township, Winnebago County, Iowa

Tract 4:  141.21 Gross Surveyed Acres; 139.45 Net Surveyed Acres; Section 18, Buffalo Township, Winnebago County, Iowa

Tract 5:  151 Acres M/L; Section 33, Buffalo Township, Winnebago County, Iowa

Tract 1 Information:

Legal Description: A tract located in the E1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 13-T99N-R27W of the 5th PM, Lincoln Twp., Kossuth County, Iowa. Exact legal described by survey.


Gross Acres:  69.79 acres surveyed
Road Acres:  1.66 acres surveyed
Net Acres:  68.13 acres surveyed
Tillable Acres:  65.1 M/L, estimated, includes 2.4 acres of CRP at $184.50 per acre; expires 9/30/2028

CSR2:  61.2

Major Soil Types:  Harps, Clarion, Harcot="msonormal">="msonormal">

Real Estate Taxes:  $1,260; taxes will be prorated to day of possession.




Tract 2 Information:

Legal Description:  A tract located in the SW1/4 Section 18-T99N-R26W of the 5th PM, Buffalo Twp., Winnebago County, Iowa. Exact legal described by survey.



Gross Acres:  126.84 acres surveyed
Road Acres:  3.50 acres surveyed


Net Acres:  123.34acres surveyed

Tillable Acres:  123.34, estimated, includes 6.5 acres of CRP at $184.51 per acre; expires 9/30/2028.


Major Soil Types: 
Nicollet, Canisteo, Clarion, Webster


Real Estate Taxes:
  $4,108; taxes will be prorated to day of possession.


Tract 3 Information:

Legal Description:  A tract located in the SW1/4 Section 18-T99N-R26W of the 5th PM, Buffalo Twp., Winnebago County, Iowa. Exact legal described by survey.


Gross Acres:  103.36 acres surveyed
Road Acres:  4.05 acres surveyed
Net Acres:  99.31 acres surveyed
Tillable Acres:  97.94 M/L, estimated


Major Soil Types: Harps, Webster, Nicollet, Okoboji

Real Estate Taxes:  $4,044; taxes will be prorated to day of possession.


Tract 4 Information:

Legal Description: A tract located in the NW1/4 Section 18-T99N-R26W of the 5th PM, Buffalo Twp., Winnebago County, Iowa. Exact legal described by survey.


Gross Acres:  141.21 acres surveyed
Road Acres:  1.76 acres surveyed
Net Acres:  139.45 acres surveyed
Tillable:  139.45 estimated, includes 6.2 acres of CRP at $203.97 per acre; expires 9/30/2028.


Major Soil Types: Webster, Okoboji, Canisteo, Nicollet="msonormal">





Tract 5 Information:

Legal Description: NW1/4 excluding tract described by survey in Section 33, T99N-R26W of the 5th PM, Buffalo Township, Winnebago County, Iowa.


Gross:  151M/L
Tillable:  149.07 M/L

CSR2:  84.1

Major Soil Types: Canisteo, Clarion, Nicollet, Clarion Swanlake



Real Estate Taxes: $5,258; taxes will be prorated to day of possession.


Method of Sale

  • Five individual tracts offered
  • Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be sold Buyer's Choice-the successful bidder will have the choice of one or any combination of tracts 1, 2, 3 and/or 4.
  • Tract 5 will be offered individually.
  • Seller reserves the right to refuse any and all bids

Terms of Possession:
10% down-payment required the day of sale. Successful bidders are purchasing with no financing contingencies and must be prepared for cash settlement of their purchase on or before October 20, 2021 or after any objections to title have been cleared. Final settlement will require certified check or wire transfer. Possession will be given at settlement. Taxes will be prorated to day of possession.

Online Bidding:
The online portion of this auction begins on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at 10:00 AM. Bidding closes on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at the close of the live auction.

To register and bid online this auction: BID ONLINE

Interactive Map

Contact Broker

Central States Agency, LLC


Phone: (641) 562-2353

Contact Agent